Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
She is being humbled. By that I mean, she is learning she is not the center of the Gospel cause. I am learning through her financial struggle how myopic we can get on the value of "direct" ministry. There are many other just as important unseen and unacknowledged roles. Ultimately Jesus has ownership of HIS cause-spreading the Gospel-& ownership of the MEANS by which his cause is carried out. Therefore, as long as we are being faithful, like she said, we are being good stewards. The rest we must leave to grace & sovereignty.
To support Brittany Onstott please visit and type in her name.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Emotional Flu
My stomach empathizes with my soul. I feel sick with discomfort! I don't like the "in-between stage." I want to know what to do. The uncertainty and the waiting is unsettling and hard to deal with.
I know it is necessary however, and oh what a peace there is in meditating on the hope of salvation that lies in the long arm of Jesus!
Your glory is my peace, my crown, my pillow. Your work is the weight that closes my eyes and allows me to rest in contentment tonight. Your work permeates my innermost being. May it settle my stomach and my soul. You are my portion. I have no taste for bread, yet You I will eat because You my savior and great God are good!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Casual Christian
Two things stick out to me. First, it seems America's big idol is shifting from materialistic "comfortability" to "peace." Second, Barna points to community and a faith-lifestyle integration as the two catalysts for massive change within this tribe.
So how can we contextualize the Gospel to the 66% of Americans who align themselves with this tribe?
Art That Speaks
This summer I have been giving a tremendous amount of thought to contextualizing the Gospel in the Greek Community. Jeremy recently blogged about contextualization. His experience illuminates the purpose and importance of contextualizing the Gospel.
Check it out.
Friday, August 14, 2009
First Thoughts
Our desire is not to suffer, but to glorify God !whatever! the cost. Does God anoint suffering to bring Him glory? (1 Peter 2:19-25)
Our desire should be service. God frees us to be slaves. Do you believe in a beneficial slavery? God does. He came to serve. (Matt. 20:26-28, 2 Tim. 2:19-21, 1 Pet. 2:16-17, Heb. 9:13-14)
How and why do you give gifts? (Romans 3:23-24, 9:13-18) Can we choose to accept or reject God's gift? Why do we care to even know if we can reject it? Shouldn't we be so enamored by God's gift that we not even consider the possibility of rejection?
Who is Jesus really? Do we know what people did to Him and what they came to Him for? Would we have done the same? There is an undeniable juxtaposition between people approaching for need and those approaching for gain.(Matthew)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Check out their interview @
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
As I am reading through a whole gospel for the first time (Matthew) it is being revealed to me that Jesus' work has personal implications for me. His life and obedience to the cross is a historical reality.
I am tackled by the intensity of what happened to him. They spit in his face when He told the truth (Matt 26:63,64,67) Coming to a deeper understanding of what He went through to rescue me from hell I now want Jesus to be in no other place than at the right hand of God enthroned in Heaven with all glory (Matt. 26:52-54, 27:45,46)
It is not an attitude of "you are too good to be around me" but rather an attitude that says "you are worthy to be in heaven receiving praise and glory. And in light of what you did I trust you when you say you will always be with me in spirit." (Matt 28:20)
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The heart behind the first reason is not a response to the Lord's violent grace. It is to say "I want something (man's approval, self-righteousness, outer purity, a better life ect) and Jesus is the means to that end. Therefore I want Jesus." The other option is to say, "I have sent you to the cross. Jesus you have done a great work to save me from the path I was on. You rescued me before I knew you. I did nothing to warrant your grace. I accept what you have done."
We must understand God chose us BEFORE we chose him. Therefore all our repentance should be in response to Jesus' saving person and work.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
How is prayer our medium of communication? How does it work? Do I close my eyes or look to the sky? Do I look to and listen to what you might say w/in me?
I am having a difficult time in connecting w/ you because it seems to me I am talking--whether loud or quite--to the space of my home, not to your ear. It does not seem as if I am communicating with heaven. I say this b/c by human definition communication usually involves both parties interacting. Are you interacting? If you are, is it my fault that I don't hear you? Is it unrepentant/habitual sin that is hindering the "feeling" of you? Doesn't Christ take that away from your sight so that we can talk?
Maybe I should read Calvin's book on prayer."
Thursday, August 6, 2009
John is a thinker. When I need to think deeply I position myself close to him so that I can feed off his personality.
Chase is irresponsible and creative. When I am feeling arty I call chase to acentuate that side of me.
Matt is crude, messy and honest. When I am feeling outlandish I go to Matt's house.
Sean is introspective and smokes. When I want to think about shapes of clouds and the universe we have a bonfire.
AJ is rebellious and deeply accepting. When I want to act out I need to stay away from AJ.
Dan has a deep heart for the Kingdom Cause. When I'm pressed to work for the Cause I call Dan.
Is this wrong? Do you do this?
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
If I never receive any other gift but books I would be content.
Biographies of men such as John Patton, Charles Spurgeon, Jonathan Edwards, Hudson Taylor, John Elliot and other missionaries are saturated with the Gospel. (Eph 2:8-10). There have been so many martyrs, missionaries and pastors who have taken up the great commission, taking Jesus to the nations, naming Him where He has not been named (Matt. 28:18-20,Mark 16:15, Luke 24:47) They have "done missions when dying is gain." (Listen to John Piper's talk for more on this).
My next friend of recognition is Nate. Nate is a fervent and inspired intercessor (that basically means prayer giant). What elevates Nate to such a place of influence is that he is consistently vocal about when and why he is praying for me. His text messages and calls that tell me he is praying for me hit me like a wave. Before tonight I sometimes take for granted the impact of his intercession. But again, by God's grace through the Spirit I see the need of this arm of the church. Nate you are a giant for me on this night. Thank you for consistently telling me when you are prayer for me. It is a source of great affirmation. Your prayers are timely and Spirit led. Praise God for the church.
I was almost blinded to the manifestation of God's affirmation and comfort through his church. But, by the painful grace of God through his Ghost I see so clearly, and with so much affection, the power of the church--that is, the power of spirit filled believers.
It is currently 4:51 am EST and I have been awake now for some time. The reason for this I will dismiss, for the purpose of this post is not to vent but rather to praise God for his work through saints.
LJ is a giant for me in the relentless thought he gives to my spiritual growth. The consistency of affirmation he gives is beyond what I have seen as normal. No other friend is so ferocious on my behalf. Thank you Lord for your church.