Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Dangerous Train of Thought

It seems easier for people--me specifically--to sin in today's world as opposed to pre-passion time. (By pre-passion I mean before Jesus went to the cross. Specifically during the time when Jesus was walking the earth.) Why? Well as I was thinking about sin today I thought, "No I can't let myself sin because my sin, along with everyone else's, is the reason why Jesus needed to die." Then I thought, "But Jesus already died and came back to life, so technically I'm not relly hurting anyone because the suffering already took place. All I would really be doing is frustrating God."

Friends that is forsaking the Gospel! I share this thought with you for a few reasons;
  1. To tell those of you who may say the same thing in the midst of your habitual sin and or addiction that you are not unique, I share your sinful thoughts.
  2. To inform you that this train of thinking is dangerous, heretical and sinful. So DO NOT buy into it.
  3. To tell you the Gospel of Jesus do not just end with his death on the cross! We must take into account the ressurection. There is so much power in that. (That is a topic for another blog though)
Why kind of sin am I talking about that led to this thinking though? Without going into too much detail refer to Romans 7:15-20.

Jesus died to atone, propitiate God's wrath, expiate our uncleanness, give us hope in the midst of this broken world and to be the chief glory of the father. Please do not allow the Gospel of Christ to become a historical event which you think you are not apart of. Be assured you are.

For more info read the letters of Paul and Peter.

Start at 1 Peter 1:3-9 then move on to verse 13 noticing when Paul says THEREFORE he is refering back to verses 3-12.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. haha, I think Peter wrote THEREFORE in verse 13 of 1 Peter 1. Could have been Paul. Well actually, you could argue that it was Paul. The information in Paul's letters came from the same source as does this letter. God wrote both these books ;)

    Good stuff though, i was thinking about it last night as I was about to fall asleep. 2 Corinthians 6:1-2. Salvation isn't just a ticket into heaven that becomes useful in 60 years when I die. It isn't just a "get out of Hell for free" card. Salvation is sharing in Jesus' death to sin. And this starts NOW and allows us to stop sinning. It sounds basic and it is but we overlook this idea way too frequently. Salvation is DYING TO SIN. That means you don't have to do it anymore as you become saved. As we die to the sin that is reiging in our lives (ie pride, lust, greed, etc.) we can start living the lives that God has laid out for us. And living the life God laid out is probably much better than anything else Satan has to offer.
