Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This was a blank screen before I began typing. I don't really have much to say. Not because my mind is empty of thought, it's not. It's overflowing in fact. Thoughts of theology, ravaged past, and summer plans.

The Gospel Coalition was awesome. I posted a talk from one of the guys--Tim Keller. That talk illuminated a lot of personal idolatry I have in my life that need to be uprooted. He was right when he said, "Let's not be so naive as to think idolatry is only physically bowing down to a wooden statue." There is soul idolatry as well. You can listen to Keller's sermon on it for a more expounded biblical definition.

It's weird when paper rebukes you. Reading scripture lately I can fully agree with the first point of Calvinism; which is Total Depravity. With that said however, I can also see such an outpouring of grace from the Lord's mouth.

Not the false grace that says, "I love you no matter what you do." (That is not a complete picture of biblical grace I think. ) Rather a true, real, grace that says, "Landon I will break the legs of sheep to keep them from running from me. You need to learn I am your satisfaction, fulfillment, greatest pleasure, highest joy, lasting hope. I am your security." I believe the Lord is bringing me under His righteous discipline.

First by showing me areas of sin of which I NEED to repent. Second by guiding me to confession. Third by repenting (by this I mean turning AWAY from depravity and turning TOWARD sanctification and righteousness that is in Christ.)

This discipline has been a good thing because in it I am learning one thing and gaining confidence in another. I am learning that dying to our sinful nature, our natural ways of living, which are self-pleasing, is good because being satisfied in the Hope of Christ is deeply consoling and inspiring and pleasing and and and. Fill in the blanks. It is. It's peaceful and shockingly restful to indulge in Christ. As for the confidence, Hebrews 12 speaks clearly that the Lord's discipline is a good thing because it confirms our inheritance. If you are a parent, teacher or coach I'm sure you can agree with the following story.

In high school I had a baseball coach who often said, "I'm yelling at you because I want you to be better. If I'm not yelling at you be worried because that means I have given up on you." I think that is biblical and I think it parallels the Lord's heart in regards to our growth. Read Heb 12 and you'll see.

I don't want to expound too much on it because honestly the scripture can speak for itself and God's word is what matters. I suppose the more vague I make this entry the better than. Because that would force you to read the scripture references to try and figure out what on earth I am talking about.

Ahh just kidding. But do read the scripture.

So this would be a small, micro-cosmic, snid-bit of a life update.

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