Thursday, April 16, 2009

I Know You Like to Think

This is a song by OutKast-Roses
"I know you'd like to thank your stuff don't stank
But lean a little bit closer
See that roses really smell like boo-boo
Yeah, roses really smell like boo-boo"

I think we all should realize the inflated version we have of ourselves is faulty. We are not as firm and strong as we like to think. We are easily broken, like toys. We need at times. We are children in so many ways. This is something I have been learning.

Tonight I listened to a young lady speak about some truth. The truth and weight of what she said sat down in front of me, stared at me for a few moments before opening its mouth to ask, "Why wont you melt for the God that created you?"

"I suppose I am a fighter" I answered. "I have been sinned against and I am trying to live the best and strongest way I can. I am taking control of my life and getting it back in order."

The truth is I am fragile and broken. I was offended and I am now. not only putting up fortresses in defense to a messed up world. (This fortresses are in the form of my attitudes toward things; ie my self-reliance, skepticism, pride and self-esteem.) I am also indulging in music, sin, friends, activities, and attitudes that bring me peace, euphoria, joy, stabilization and protection. It is all managed and manicured to bring Landon what Landon wants. Comfort. "Growth." "Manicured Growth" I call it.

Can you relate?

We all give ourselves lordship over our lives at times. Often times because, at some point down the road a long time ago or recently, we got burned. We often create our own religion, philosophy, or worldview that "works for us." Universalism.

For Christians it is one part true biblical Gospel, and two parts "exception." Exception meaning, "I deem myself the exception in crazy situations therefore I conclude that I have the privilege of expanding on the Gospel to fit my circumstance." Catering to fit what we want to believe.

Can you relate?

You are not the exception, trust me. Go ask a counselor your story and ask if yours is any more unique than the general populous. Then after shelling out that $150 to get that question answered begin to read your bible and seek out what Jesus says about you. You may find it interesting, as do I, to see that you are much like the people He interacts with in the Bible. Read John 8:1-11. We are at times the Pharisees and the woman.

Here is the point in all my scatter brained thoughts. We can all relate to being sinned against, and to sinning against. We need to learn we are broken and our outlook on life is very flawed. For this reason we need Jesus.

We need to base our life on what He says. Why? Because He was resurrected after saying he would be in the witness of groups of people who documented seeing him alive after they saw him dead.

We cannot afford to come up with our own world view. We cannot become so reliant on ourselves that we forge past acknowledging and fearing the God who tailored us together and wants to take care of us out of unbridled love for us.

OutKast had a good thought when they called us out on being too arrogant. But Matt Chandler has a better one. He tells us that even though we are messed up and broken we can still be loved, redeemed, rescued, saved from the filth we has committed and the filth that has been committed to us. There is more to his message, I would encourage you to watch more of his stuff. Start with the video below.


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