Tuesday, April 7, 2009


In the context of this post I define "reconcile" as figuring out.

I have been challenged lately with a lack of confidence and doubt.

A lack of confidence in my discernment, other believer's advice, words, actions and namely wisdom. I have been closed to what I will listen to and who it comes from. I think this is wise and prudent. The problem is lacking confidence in others is closely followed by a lack of grace.

Doubt of the stand-alone transformational power of the Gospel to our actions and habits.

A lack of confidence in other's discernment.

A lack of confidence in the general held theology of my peers, most christian music, books and sermons.

Doubt in the active work of Jesus in my life now, each day.

Even doubt in the validity of Christ. At this doubt is where I will stop and make an observation. I have been trying to "reconcile" (figure out) Christ to my logic. Trying to figure out the Gospel in light of what I know, what I experience and what I observe about my microcosm of culture. Instead I should be "reconciling" my life in light of Christ's finished work a few thousand years ago and the word of all the prophets a few thousand years before Him! I should recognize He was not just a man who lived and died for my sins. Stopping there is one of the greatest lies of Satan in our world today. Yes Jesus did live then die for my sins, but then He was raised by the power of the Holy Spirit to sit at the right hand side of God in a place called Heaven. In the Resurrection we see the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the core and climax of the Gospel. It is the confirmation of our faith in Christ's redemptive work and active power in our life now, each day.

Another observation. The reason why I am experiencing some of these doubts is because I have not been being "transformed by the renewing of my mind" which comes through, not only reading scripture--both Old and New Testaments, but by also studying and memorizing it. It being scripture. Paul encourages us to do this.

The reason why I am sharing all this with anyone who so cares to read this blog is to spur you on. To show you what happens as a result of "taking time off" or "letting your guard down" to phrase it in a more warfare sense. However you decide to phrase it the point is we must consistently stand firm on the truth of the Gospel, remain hydrated by scripture, and steady in the pursuit of Christ.

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